BK Lyncis

Type nl/ug
Period (d) 0.07498
Mag 15.1 V - 16.5 V
a(2000) 09:20:11.20
d(2000) +33:56:42.0


BK Lyn - sum of 10, 120 s integrations. Dec 22/2001, TKUCO 0.30 m, ST-7E



April 18/19, 2005. Good conditions, moon 1st quarter and close to program star (sky gradients). Scatter < 0.02 mag.
April 20/21, 2005. Fair - good conditions, warm. Scatter < 0.02 mag
April 21/22, 2005. Fair - good conditions, warm and breezy. Short run. Scatter < 0.02 mag

Period Analysis (2001 - 2002)

PDM (P = 0.07276 d)
DFT (P = 0.07280 d)



Jan 4/5, 2002. Very good conditions from 5h UT to 8h50m UT then cloud moved in quickly. Warm evening (T=-5C) and low scatter in data.
Jan 9/10,2002. Excellent conditions through night with thin cloud developing at approx. 11h UT. Scatter < 0.008 mag.
Feb 16/17, 2002. Fair - poor conditions with cloud at approx 8h UT. Scatter approx 0.013.



2001 and earlier


Dec 21/22, 2001. Very good conditions, Scatter approx 0.01 mag (C2-C1).
Dec 22/23, 2001. Excellent conditions after midnight. Clear, cold with some aurora low in north. Typical scatter approx 0.008 mag (C2-C1).
Dec 23/24, 2001. Very good conditions until approx 13h UT when cloud forced termination. Typical scatter < 0.012 mag. Aurora, at times bright, in northern half of sky.
Dec 24/25, 2001. Very good conditions, improving after midnight. Typical scatter (C2-C1) = 0.01 mag.
Dec 25/26, 2001. Excellent conditions, scatter aprox 0.007 mag.
.Dec 29/30, 2001. Cold (T=-23C) with full moon creating very bright sky conditions. Brief period of cloud . Typical scatter (C2-C1) =0.02 mag.