Her 04


Her04: Basic Data


WZ Sge?

Period (d) 0.055d
Mag ?
a(2000) 18h 39m 26s
d(2000) +26 04 10

(mag 12.46)


(mag 14.36)


120 s Image from TKUCO 12.5" F/4.8,June27, 2004

C1 = GSC 0211100489
C2 = GSC2.2 N022113226987


2004 Observations

June 26/27, 2004. Clear and calm evening. Very good photometric conditions (scatter C2-C1 < 0.005 mag)
June 27/28, 2004. Clear and calm evening. Good photometric conditions (scatter C2-C1 < 0.010 mag)
June 29/30, 2004. Good conditions, some high cloud and warm evening. Star is in rapid decline (2 mag/d) with oscillations decreasing in amplitude.
July 4/5, 2004. Good photometric conditions, scatter less than 0.009 mag. Her 04 has levelled off with strong humps present.