HZ Herculis

Period (d) 1.7001750469
Mag B 12.80/ 15.20
a(2000) 16h58m06.23s
d(2000) :+35°21'32.9"



120 s exposure, TKUCO 12.5" ST-7E
C1 = GSC 0259801267
C2 = GSC 0259801274


April 28/29, 2003. Very good conditions, scatter < 0.008 mag (C1-C2).
April 29/30, 2003. Good conditions, scatter < 0.013 mag (C1-C2). Some haze and aurora.
April 30/May 1, 2003. Very bright aurora through the night, some cloud. Scatter <0.025 mag.
May 11/12, 2003. Clear but breeze mdoerate. Fair - good conditions.
May 18/19, 2003. Very good conditions, scatter < 0.01 mag (C1-C2) for most of the evening.
May 19/20, 2003. Very good conditions, scatter < 0.01 mag (C1-C2) for most of the evening.