How to Make Polar Plots in Maple

First, you need to call the plotting libraries - so start with

> with(plots):

Next, use the command polarplot. For example - let's look at r = cos(5t).


> polarplot(cos(5*t),t=0..2*Pi);

[Maple Plot]


Notice that we did not type r = in the Maple expression. We don't need to. The 'r=' part is assumed. Just type what the radius function is and then follow with the range in t

What if we want to plot several curves at the same time? Easy, just put the different expression inside a set of square brackets. For example plot r = 1, r = cos(5t) and r=e^0.1*t on the same graph:

> polarplot([1,exp(0.1*t),cos(5*t)],t=0..2*Pi);

[Maple Plot]
